Happy Holidays!

We are about ready to put a stamp on 2021 and usher in a new year!  NPHS is as busy as always.  Mid-term grades will be posted soon, and the last half of this term will go by even faster than the first.  Winter sports and activities are picking up, and there are a lot of great things happening in the classrooms.  Be sure to keep checking in at for announcements and updates in our school and around the district.  We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!

Counselor's Corner

Brianna Quiroz, Susan Horne, Matt Kaminski, Jolene Pettera (Guidance Counselors) Teresa Schumacher (Guidance Secretary)

Are you taking a Dual Credit class(es) in the Spring Semester (January – May)? A representative from MPCC will be in the Counseling Office Monday, December 13th – Friday, December 17th to help you get registered.

SENIORS: Local Scholarship Applications are still available!!! The local scholarship forms are available in the Counselor’s Office. All completed applications are due by 3:30p.m. on Friday, December 17th in the Counselor’s Office.

Attention senior parents – If you have a senior student graduating in May, and have NOT ordered a cap and gown, you need to do this as soon as possible by calling Mid-West Grads at 402-676-8494 or ordering online at Because of potential delays relating to the corona virus, it is extremely important that you order before Friday, Dec. 11th . They will NOT be able to guarantee all product availability after the deadline this year. MidWest Grads will need to know your student’s name, height and weight when you call to order the cap and gown. Watch the High School Announcements for upcoming information.

Join the Google Classroom for senior information.

Class Name: 2022 Graduating NPHS Bulldogs 

Class Code: arxwten

Students will be filling out their Academic Planner for 2022-2023 school year schedules at a later date. Watch the upcoming announcement for those dates.


December 11 ACT Test – 8:00am – noon

December 17 Seniors – Completed local scholarship applications due by 3:30pm to Counselor’s Office.

December 21 End of Term 2

December 22 NO SCHOOL

December 23-31 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break

January 3-4 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break

January 5 Term 3 Begins and School Resumes

January 17 NO SCHOOL

February 1 Seniors may tentatively pick up Mid-Neb Scholarship applications in the Counselor’s Office.

February 12 ACT Test

February 18 NO SCHOOL

February 24 Mid-Neb Scholarships due to the Counselor’s Office by 3:30pm

Christmas Snapshots

The Advanced Acting class is excited to present the premiere of Christmas Snapshots on December 18th at 7:00 pm and December 19th at 2:00 pm. Students selected one of five Christmas photos and used them as inspiration to write the scenes being presented.  Students have worked over the past eight weeks to block, rehearse, and memorize the scenes as well as find props and costume pieces. Come enjoy all the chaos and joy, stress and love that is the Christmas season.  Admission is just a free will donation at the door.  

Technology Classes

Mr. Petersen's technology students have been working hard in their respective classes, gaining skills to make them marketable and career/college ready for an ever-changing world.

Graphic Design class has been learning about typography and incorporated their learning into Thanksgiving digital greetings.  When students return from Thanksgiving break, they will be designing posters to promote self-help and mental-heath awareness.

Programming 2 students have been learning fundamentals of game design.  The class started off by designing a board/card game.  They then worked on creating a text adventure.  This week students finished up their 2D game design.  After break, the class will be learning 3D game design with the Unreal Engine.  This is the same engine used by much of the industry.

Computer Apps 2 students have been working with advanced features of Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets.  Students from this class will be able to take skills gained and apply them to any career-field they choose to enter.