Welcome back everyone to another NPHS Newsletter! It is already November, and we have much to be thankful for as we get closer and closer to the holiday seasons! Fall activities and sports are finishing up successful seasons, and we are getting ready for winter activities! As always, be sure to check the North Platte Public School website for updates and news for our school and district.
Brianna Quiroz, Susan Horne, Matt Kaminski, Jolene Pettera,
Teresa Schumacher, Guidance Secretary
A reminder to students wanting to take the ACT College Entrance exams, the next ACT will be December 11, 2021 with a registration deadline of November 5, 2021.
Colleges and tech schools are currently making their fall visits to NPHS. These visits, including the dates and times, can also be found in the high school ANNOUNCEMENTS at our North Platte High School website Students may sign up with Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor’s Office in order to attend a college visit in the Career Center. This information may also be posted on our Facebook Page.
On Wednesday, November 10th , MidWest Grads will be in the Commons Area during lunch from 11:00am – 1:00pm to take senior graduation orders and class ring orders. All information packets will be sent home with your student before this time. Extra packets are available in the Counselor’s Office. Students need to know their height and weight to order their gown, and their full legal name when ordering their diploma. A $60 deposit is required when placing an order.
SENIORS: Local Scholarship Applications are still available in the Counselor’s Office!!! All completed applications are due by 3:30p.m. on Friday, December 17th in the Counselor’s Office.
FAFSA Help: Education Quest is available via virtual appointment to help with all your FAFSA questions. Please call them at 1-800-666-3721 to set up your personal appointment.
College Visits: Interested in Mid Plains Community College or Central Community College? Sign up in the counseling office to attend a college campus visit. We are going to MPCC on Wednesday, Nov. 10th and CCC – Hastings on Wednesday, Dec. 8th.
Join the Google Classroom for senior information. Class Name: 2022 Graduating NPHS Bulldogs Class Code: arxwten
November 5 December ACT Test registration deadline
November 10 MidWest Grads – Orders taken in Commons from 11am – 1pm
November 5 10 MPCC Campus Visit
November 5 12 NO SCHOOL
November 5 15 ASVAB Test
November 5 24-26 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
December 8 CCC – Hastings Campus Visit
December 11 ACT Test – 8:00pm – noon
December 17 Seniors – Completed local scholarship applications due by 3:30pm to Counselor’s Office.
December 21 End of Term 2
December 22-31 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
NPHS Student Council is organizing the next canned food drive! It is being held on November 1st - 5th. This event brings in tens of thousands of food items for North Platte and Lincoln County food banks including: Salvation Army, Grace Ministries Food Pantry, and St. Pats Food Pantry. These food items are made available to families in need here in our area only. These families include friends, neighbors, and fellow classmates.
Teachers have been continuing to hand out PBIS Bulldog POWER cards to students for recognizing behaviors that help create a positive school culture. Bulldog POWER card recipients are eligible for drawings for a variety of pries. Mr. Petersen's 1st term Graphic Design students have created designs for Bulldog POWER posters for interested teachers to display in their classrooms, and 1st term IT Fundamentals developed the start of an Android App that could be used as a way for teachers to get ideas for ways to incorporate Bulldog POWER in their teachings.
This term Mr. Petersen has three new sections of students excited to learn skills that will make them marketable in career-college-ready settings. NPHS Graphic Design Students have been learning about career opportunities with digital design, and have started a section on identity design. Students are working on a logo project and were introduced to Photoshop with a Halloween motion graphic activity.
Programming 2 students are learning about game design. To start things off, the class has come up with concepts and fundamentals of game design, and have designed rules and prototypes for card/board games. Next, students will be using Python to create text adventures, then will move on to 2D and 3D game designs.
Computer Applications 2. Students are learning advanced features of Microsoft Office. Students have created a variety of projects already with Microsoft Word. These projects include creating fillable forms, designing templates, and business stationery. Students will then be learning to use word to help format a research paper, where they will research ethics in data collection for technology companies.
It has been a fast start to the term, and Mr. Petersen is excited to see all the great things the students in these classes will do.