Here we come to the final stretch! Another great school year coming to a close, but still a lot going on, and a lot of work to do in order to finish strong through the end. Spring activities are in full season and graduation is just on the horizon. In addition to the newsletter, be sure to check the NPPSD website at for current events and announcements that may come up. We hope this newsletter finds everyone having a good spring. We thank you all for your support and work through the year. We hope you all have a great summer. We wish the best of luck to our seniors as they graduate, and look forward to seeing everyone else back next year!
Counselors' Corner
Senior Awards Night will be Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 7:30pm in the Performing
Arts Center. It is open to the public.
If you receive a scholarship, please notify Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor’s Office of
the exact name and amount of the scholarship. You may contact her at 535-7105 ext.
4, email at, or bring a copy of the scholarship confirmation
letter to her. This information is needed no later than Friday, April 8th so your senior
student can be recognized at Senior Awards Night and in the commencement program.
Graduation practice date and time will be announced as we near graduation. Students
MUST plan to attend practice if they wish to participate in the commencement
ceremony on Sunday, May 15th @ 2:00pm. A sheet of instructions and rain tickets will
be sent home with the graduating senior, along with their cap and gown, which will be
distributed at the end of graduation practice. If you have a senior student graduating
in May, and have NOT ordered a cap and gown, you need to do this as soon as possible
online at
Class of 2022: If you are unable to participate, or chose not to participate, in
commencement exercises, you may pick up your diploma in the Counselor’s Office on
Monday, May 16, 2022. Diplomas will not be mailed. Watch your email and the
announcements for more information on Graduation Practice.
Seniors are also reminded that you need to request a final transcript to be sent to the
college you plan on attending. Please notify Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor’s
Office, 535-7105 ext. 4, where you need the transcript sent and the address of the
**Reminder to all college bound seniors… get your FAFSA applications completed as soon as possible.
Undergraduate Awards Night will be Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7:30pm in the
Performing Arts Center. It is open to the public.
Students Transferring to Another School District for 2022-2023
Students who will be transferring to another school for the 2022-2023 school year
need to contact the Counselor’s Office. Parents will need to sign a Release of Records
Form to have the student’s records transferred. Students must also complete a check-
out sheet, return Chromebook and clear all obligations. Contact Teresa Schumacher in
the Counselor’s Office if you have questions, by calling 535-7105 ext. 4.
Dual Credit Reimbursement Application – The purpose of the dual credit
reimbursement program is to provide families the opportunity to apply for a refund of
$25.00 per credit hour for each NPHS dual credit course a student successfully
completes through Mid Plains Community College. Applications can be picked up in
the Counselor’s Office. Students must complete the application and must submit a
copy of their Mid Plains Community College course transcript and proof of payment
with the application. Students who are ACE Scholarship recipients are not eligible for
the reimbursement program for the dual credit courses paid by ACE.
The application, college transcript and proof of payment are due no later than May 31st.
Reimbursement payment will be sent by June 30th.
Please mail or deliver application and transcript to:
McKinley Education Center
Attn: Stuart Simpson
301 West F Street
North Platte, Ne 69103
Technology Classes
There have been a lot of good things going on in NPHS technology classes this term. Mr. Petersen's Advanced Graphic Design, Computer Apps 2, and Web Design 2 students have been doing great work! Advanced Graphic Design students have finished their Photoshop review with animated cinemagraph movie posters, and are now learning how to create vector graphics with Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is an essential tool for creating content for brands on any platform.
Computer Apps 2 students have finished learning about ethics in data use for technology industries. Students used Microsoft Word to create a properly formatted literature review summarizing their findings from multiple sources. Students will now be learning to create spreadsheets for multiple uses containing advanced formulas and functions. Web Design 2 students have been learning to use Adobe Dreamweaver for website creation and management. Students have recently learned how to create a carousel of images using Bootstrap framework. Students in these classes are well on their way to be career and college ready for a future of technology opportunities that await them.